Just one note today, on the kids and life at the creche:
one of the kids had to go to the bathroom. He'd been crying/wimpering from the beginning, and kept wanting his amma (mami). He was really quite pitiful. But what are you going to do? You can't shower him with all the attention while the others probably equally miss their amma right? Well, but he wouldn't stop, and he wasn't doing it for show either, so ..... I DID pay him attention.
He raises his little pinky finger and indicates "I gotta pee". Oh, ok, well, then, "Go! .... HOGI!" I say. He stays in front of me, continues to plead with me in his eyes. He really gotta go pee. I'm thinking, this kid is about 4yrs. old, for sure he'll know how to go pee on his own. I don't really wanna leave my group of kids..... But he ain't movin'. Ok, he's getting desperate. I'll take him. I take his hand (he takes it, surprisingly), we walk to the bathroom.
He stands there, doin' nothing at all. I'm confused. I thought he had to go desperately. Then I notice, ...... OH!!!! There's a darn SAFETY PIN instead of a button. NO WONDER HE CAN'T GO TO THE BATHROOM BY HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, oh man, the poor bugger.
But you know what? If this hadn't happened, I wouldn't know the Indian universal sign for "I gotta pee". And that sure is useful something, no?
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